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image002Essence Work reconnects us to our innate true nature, the gift we were all born with, but over time have lost connection with. As humans, we have a strong instinct for fulfillment, and often a deep sense of something that is lost or lacking. Essence Work gives us a map and tools to gently, step by step, reconnect with our true Self, our blue-print through awareness, compassion, and inquiry.

Essence Work was developed by two pioneers in psycho-spiritual work, A.H. Almaas and Faisal Muqaddam, who discovered an ancient Sufi map of consciousness which they married with modern psychology approaches. At the heart of the work, is the subtle energy system of the Sufis called the “Lataif”. The work describes a pathway to assist the retrieval of our connection to various Essential states, including our true capacity for Will, Strength, Love, Value, Compassion, Peace and Joy. Each of these are described through a colour which manifests its qualities.

About the ‘Introduction to White and Red Essence’ Workshops (images attached – white a nd red flower, and workshop photos)

These workshops are a basic, experiential introduction to the aspects of Essence held in the White and Red “lataifa”. Through the White we will develop our capacity for Trust andEndurance, find the Support of our Being and discover our connection to our True Will. In the Red, we expand into our inherent Strength, discover our heart’s Courage, express ourBoundaries and enable the full, confident, passionate embodiment of our Being. We will explore, through the potent practice of inquiry, issues connected to these aspects of Essence, where we have lost our connection to these Essential qualities for Living fully. Through meditation and movement we will awaken our inherent White Essence, and so take a step further in our journey to waking up to our full potential and expansion.

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